Johns Hopkins的研究显示,免疫腐蚀症患者的抗逆转录病毒疫苗反应比健康的老年人要弱。 Johns Hopkins study shows immunocompromised people have weaker RSV vaccine responses than healthy older adults.
Johns Hopkins研究人员发现,与健康的老年人相比,接种疫苗后,免疫杂乱症患者对RSV的抗体发展较少,这表明免疫反应较弱。 Johns Hopkins researchers found that immunocompromised individuals develop fewer antibodies against RSV after vaccination compared to healthy older adults, indicating a weaker immune response. 该研究报告在日本医学协会发表,显示免疫杂乱参与者中的抗体水平差异很大,有些反应良好,有些反应不佳。 The study, published in JAMA, showed highly variable antibody levels among immunocompromised participants, with some responding well and others poorly. 美国疾控中心建议为75岁以上和高危群体,包括60岁及60岁以上的免疫杂乱人群接种RSV疫苗。 The U.S. CDC recommends RSV vaccination for those over 75 and high-risk groups, including immunocompromised people aged 60 and older.