欧洲联盟委员会批准现代公司针对60岁及以上成年人的第一种非COVID mRNA疫苗(MRESVIA)。 European Commission approves Moderna's first non-COVID mRNA vaccine, mRESVIA, for adults aged 60 and over.
欧洲联盟委员会批准现代公司针对60岁和60岁以上的成年人的MRNA RSV疫苗(mRESVIA),这标志着欧洲首次批准为COVID-19以外的疾病接种MRNA疫苗。 European Commission approves Moderna's mRNA RSV vaccine (mRESVIA) for adults aged 60 and over, marking the first time an mRNA vaccine has been approved for a disease other than COVID-19 in Europe. RSV是一种高度传染性的季节性病毒,可能对婴儿和老年人造成严重症状。 RSV is a highly contagious seasonal virus that can cause severe symptoms in infants and the elderly. 在欧盟,挪威和英国,每年约有158,000名成年人和213,000名5岁以下儿童因RSV住院. In the EU, Norway, and the UK, RSV leads to hospitalization of around 158,000 adults and 213,000 children under five each year. 批准强调现代科技在MRNA技术和公共卫生创新方面的领导作用。 The approval emphasizes Moderna's leadership in mRNA technology and public health innovation.