由于有毒气体释放,西南奶酪的工业事故使20名雇员受伤。 Industrial accident at Southwest Cheese injures 20 employees due to toxic gas release.
新墨西哥州克洛维斯西南奶酪发生工业事故,20名雇员在设备故障导致8.67加仑酸与0.61加仑氯混合,产生有毒气体后受伤。 An industrial accident at Southwest Cheese in Clovis, New Mexico, injured 20 employees after an equipment malfunction caused 8.67 gallons of acid to mix with 0.61 gallons of chlorine, creating toxic gas. 14名雇员住院,其他人则在现场接受治疗。 Fourteen employees were hospitalized, while others were treated on-site. 克洛维斯消防局和新墨西哥州警察局正在处理清理工作,当局确认不存在公共威胁。 The Clovis Fire Department and New Mexico State Police are handling the cleanup, and authorities confirm there is no public threat.