俄克拉荷马城I-40号的乳酸泄漏被控制在卡车上;没有公共卫生问题。 A truck leak of lactic acid on I-40 in Oklahoma City was contained; no public health concern.
周五上午,俄克拉荷马城西南部发生了一起危险材料泄漏事件,当时一辆运载乳酸的卡车不得不急刹车以避免在 I-40 上发生碰撞,导致酸在南议会路和西南第 8 街附近泄漏。 A hazardous material leak occurred Friday morning in southwest Oklahoma City when a truck carrying lactic acid had to brake sharply to avoid a collision on I-40, causing the acid to leak near South Council Road and Southwest 8th Street. 俄克拉荷马市消防局回应, 尽管泄漏, 目前并无公共卫生关切, The Oklahoma City Fire Department responded, and despite the leak, there is no current public health concern. 清理工作预计将持续数小时。 Cleanup efforts are expected to last several hours. 司机毫发无损。 The driver was unharmed.