帝国县的选民转向特朗普,反映出在被忽视的情况下对两大政党的不满。 Imperial County voters shifted toward Trump, reflecting dissatisfaction with both major parties amid neglect.
加州帝国县对当选总统特朗普的支持从2016年的37%上升到2020年的49%, Imperial County, California, saw a rise in support for President-elect Trump from 37% in 2016 to 49% in 2020, but this isn't due to a shift towards conservatism. 相反,它反映居民对双方的不满。 Instead, it reflects residents' dissatisfaction with both parties. 该区域面临水和空气污染、萨尔顿海不断缩小和高失业率等持续问题,州或联邦政府几乎没有帮助,导致人们的忽视和背叛感。 The region faces ongoing issues like water and air pollution, a shrinking Salton Sea, and high unemployment, with little help from state or federal governments, leading to a sense of neglect and betrayal.