由于人口增长放缓,加利福尼亚州到2030年可能会失去多达4个国会席位。 California may lose up to four congressional seats by 2030 due to slowing population growth.
加利福尼亚的人口增长正在放缓,有可能降低其政治影响力。 California's population growth is slowing, potentially diminishing its political influence. 到2030年,该州可能会失去多达四个国会席位,从而减少其选举票数,并对联邦选举产生影响。 The state could lose up to four congressional seats by 2030, reducing its electoral votes and impact on federal elections. 外向移民、低出生率和高死亡率等因素导致了下降,影响了国家影响国家政治的能力。 Factors like out-migration, lower birth rates, and higher death rates have contributed to the decline, which impacts the state's ability to influence national politics.