据预测,2025年天然气价格将下降到每加仑3.22美元,但特朗普的关税可能提高高达70美分。 Gas prices forecast to drop to $3.22 per gallon in 2025, but Trump's tariffs could raise them by up to 70 cents.
GasBuddy预测,美国天然气价格将在2025年跌至平均每加仑3.22美元,标志着连续第三年下跌。 GasBuddy forecasts that U.S. gas prices will drop to an average of $3.22 per gallon in 2025, marking the third consecutive year of decline. 这将大大低于2022年的最高点,即每加仑5美元以上,使美国人的燃料支出减少约1 150亿美元。 This would represent a significant reduction from the 2022 peak of over $5 per gallon and result in Americans spending about $115 billion less on fuel. 然而,当选总统特朗普对加拿大和墨西哥货物的潜在关税可能会打乱这一预测,使价格每加仑上涨30至70美分。 However, potential tariffs on Canadian and Mexican goods by President-elect Trump could disrupt this forecast and raise prices by 30 to 70 cents per gallon.