美国汽油价格每加仑下跌 10 美分至 3.40 美元,柴油价格下跌 6.7 美分至 3.75 美元,每周为美国人节省 4.25 亿美元。 Gas prices in the US drop 10 cents per gallon to $3.40, with diesel falling 6.7 cents to $3.75, saving Americans $425 million weekly.
据 GasBuddy 称,美国夏季驾车旺季开始时,汽油价格每加仑暴跌 10 美分,意外跌至 3.40 美元的低点。 Gas prices plummet 10 cents per gallon, hitting a surprising low of $3.40 in the US for the beginning of summer driving season, according to GasBuddy. 全国柴油平均价格也下跌6.7美分,至每加仑3.75美元,创下俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以来的最低平均价格。 The national average price of diesel also fell by 6.7 cents to $3.75 per gallon, marking the lowest average price since Russia invaded Ukraine. 预计汽油价格每周大幅下降将使美国人每周比去年同期节省 4.25 亿美元。 The large weekly drop in gasoline prices is expected to save Americans $425 million per week compared to a year ago.