英格兰的A&E部门 面临压力 访问的非紧急问题 诸如咳嗽和后背疼痛上升。 England's A&E departments face strain as visits for non-emergency issues like coughs and back pain rise.
英格兰的A&E部门因咳嗽和后背疼痛等非紧急问题而看到更多的病人,给本已紧张的服务带来额外的压力。 A&E departments in England are seeing more patients for non-emergency issues like coughs and back pain, putting additional strain on already stretched services. 2023/24年,咳嗽的A&E访问增加了15%,后背疼痛增加了13%,耳痛增加了10%。 A&E visits for coughs rose by 15%, for back pain by 13%, and for earaches by 10% in 2023/24. 卫生官员估计,最多五分之二的A&E访问可以在其他地方避免或治疗,冬季压力加大。 Health officials estimate that up to two-fifths of A&E visits could be avoided or treated elsewhere, with pressures intensifying during winter.