尽管以色列大使反对,爱尔兰总统希金斯将在大屠杀纪念碑上发言。 Irish President Higgins to speak at Holocaust memorial, despite Israeli ambassador's objections.
爱尔兰总统希金斯(Michael D. Higgins)将在都柏林的全国大屠杀纪念日活动上发表演讲, 尽管以色列即将离任的大使埃利希(Dana Erlich)表示反对, Irish President Michael D. Higgins will deliver a speech at the National Holocaust Memorial Day event in Dublin, despite objections from Israel's outgoing ambassador, Dana Erlich, who accused Higgins of making "anti-Israeli" statements. 希金斯办公室维护了他的记录,强调他强烈谴责反犹太主义和支持犹太社区。 Higgins' office defended his record, emphasizing his strong condemnation of antisemitism and support for the Jewish community. 这次纪念第二次世界大战结束80周年的活动将于1月26日按计划进行。 The event, marking 80 years since the end of World War II, will proceed as planned on January 26th.