在澳大利亚维多利亚州发现了日本脑炎病例,这是一种蚊子传播的病毒,引发健康警告。 A case of Japanese encephalitis, a mosquito-borne virus, is detected in Victoria, Australia, prompting health warnings.
在澳大利亚维多利亚州地区发现了日本脑炎病例,这是一种与登革热和黄热病有关的蚊子传播病毒。 A case of Japanese encephalitis, a mosquito-borne virus related to dengue and yellow fever, has been detected in regional Victoria, Australia. 大多数人有发烧和呕吐等轻微症状,但严重病例可能导致癫痫发作、瘫痪或死亡。 Most people experience mild symptoms like fever and vomiting, but severe cases can lead to seizures, paralysis, or death. 卫生官员建议Murray河附近和新南威尔士州高风险地区的居民使用驱虫剂,穿长衣服,并确保住所有蚊帐,特别是当蚊子人口较多时,从11月至3月。 Health officials advise residents near the Murray River and in NSW's higher-risk areas to use repellent, wear long clothing, and ensure accommodation has nets, especially from November to March when mosquito populations are higher.