2022 年澳大利亚蚊媒病毒疫情揭示了一种新的、更危险的日本脑炎病毒株,造成 7 人死亡和 44 人患病。 2022 Australian mosquito-borne virus outbreak reveals a new, more dangerous strain of Japanese Encephalitis Virus causing 7 deaths and 44 cases.
2022 年澳大利亚爆发的致命蚊媒病毒疫情比最初想象的更加危险。 2022's deadly mosquito-borne virus outbreak in Australia revealed to be more dangerous than initially thought. 科学家发现了一种新的日本脑炎病毒(JEV)毒株,导致 7 人死亡,44 例确诊病例。 Scientists found a new strain of Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) causing 7 deaths and 44 confirmed cases. 这种罕见的日本脑炎病毒亚型可能引发致命的脑部感染,可能需要研制新的疫苗。 The rare sub-type of JEV can trigger fatal brain infections and might require a new vaccine. 为处于危险中的户外工作者以及新南威尔士州、昆士兰州、南澳大利亚州、维多利亚州和北领地等热点地区的人们免费提供已知毒株的疫苗。 Free vaccines for known strains were given to at-risk outdoor workers and those in hotspots like NSW, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, and the NT.