Burglar从伦敦的家里偷了1000多万英镑的珠宝 和15万英镑的Hermes袋 Burglar steals over £10 million in bespoke jewelry and £150,000 in Hermes bags from London home.
一个盗贼从伦敦Primrose Hill的一个家里偷了价值1 000万英镑的珠宝 和15万英镑的Hermes手提包 A burglar stole over £10 million worth of bespoke jewelry and £150,000 in Hermes handbags from a home in Primrose Hill, London. 这名被描述为20多岁或30多岁白人的小偷从二楼窗户进入,拿走了像10.73克拉特·格拉夫钻石戒指一样的独特碎片。 The thief, described as a white man in his 20s or 30s, entered through a second-floor window and took unique pieces like a 10.73-carat Graff diamond ring. 屋主提供500,000英镑的奖赏,以获取导致逮捕嫌疑人的信息,并另外提供10%的收回物品价值,以供返还。 The homeowner is offering a £500,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the suspect and an additional 10% of recovered items' value for their return. 警方敦促任何有情报的人匿名联系他们或犯罪制止者。 Police urge anyone with information to contact them or Crimestoppers anonymously.