拜登的行政当局计划20年禁止内华达鲁比山的石油、天然气和地热开发。 Biden's administration plans a 20-year ban on oil, gas, and geothermal development in Nevada's Ruby Mountains.
拜登总统的行政当局计划20年来禁止内华达鲁比山的石油、天然气和地热开发,影响到大约264,000英亩的联邦土地。 President Biden's administration plans to ban oil, gas, and geothermal development in Nevada's Ruby Mountains for 20 years, affecting about 264,000 acres of federal lands. 这一举措启动了90天公开评论期,在审议期间停止了两年的发展。 The move initiates a 90-day public comment period and halts development for two years during review. 这一决定与特朗普总统提升石油和天然气产量计划形成鲜明对比. This decision, requested by Native American tribes and conservationists, contrasts with President-elect Trump's plan to boost oil and gas production. 然而,该地区的采矿活动仍将允许。 However, mining activities will still be allowed in the area.