于2035年成为一座现代绿色城市, 推动中国地区发展。 Xiong'an New Area reorganizes to become a modern, green city by 2035, boosting China's regional development.
在北京西南100公里的河北省清安新区改组了各部门和委员会,以改善城市管理,这符合中国促进北京-天津-河北地区发展的战略。 The Xiong'an New Area in Hebei province, 100 km southwest of Beijing, has reorganized its departments and committees to improve urban management, aligning with China's strategy to boost development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. 该区域现在拥有 21 个部门和 4 个分区行政委员会,旨在加强教育、医疗保健等方面的服务。 Now featuring 21 departments and four subdistrict administrative committees, the area aims to enhance services in education, healthcare, and more. 到2035年,熊安计划 成为一个现代化、绿色、聪明的城市 By 2035, Xiong'an plans to become a modern, green, and smart city.