联合王国报告称,冲突后的宗教仇恨犯罪,特别是针对犹太人和穆斯林的这类犯罪激增。 UK reports surge in religious hate crimes, especially against Jews and Muslims, post-conflicts.
在过去18个月中,联合王国最大的警察部队中宗教仇恨罪激增,在2023年10月哈马斯-以色列冲突以及2024年7月南方港袭击事件之后,宗教仇恨罪急剧上升。 Religious hate crimes have surged in the UK's largest police forces over the past 18 months, with a significant spike following the Hamas-Israel conflict in October 2023 and the Southport attacks in July 2024. 在冲突后的一些地区,反犹太主义罪行增加了十倍,而在南港被刺之后,仇视伊斯兰教的罪行增加了一倍多。 Antisemitic offenses rose tenfold in some areas after the conflict, while Islamophobic crimes more than doubled following the Southport stabbings. 联合王国政府承诺打击这些仇恨犯罪,到2027-28年,每年承诺为犹太人和穆斯林社区提供多达4 740万英镑的安全经费。 The UK government has pledged to combat these hate crimes, with a commitment of up to £47.4 million per year in security funding for Jewish and Muslim communities through 2027-28.