台湾明星Vivian Hsu在新加坡购物时遭遇洪水, Taiwanese star Vivian Hsu faced flash floods in Singapore while shopping, but emerged safe.
台湾歌手女演员Vivian Hsu于12月29日在新加坡的Bukit Timah地区遭遇暴洪, 试图购买她儿子最喜欢的食物。 Taiwanese singer-actress Vivian Hsu encountered flash floods in Singapore's Bukit Timah area on December 29 while trying to buy her son's favorite food. 暴雨造成的洪水几乎到达她的汽车门,迫使她用蟑螂和蜥蜴在水中行驶。 The floods, caused by heavy rain, nearly reached her car door, forcing her to navigate through water with cockroaches and lizards. 尽管经历了磨难,她还是设法购买了食物,并且很安全,在社交媒体上分享了她的经验。 Despite the ordeal, she managed to buy the food and was safe, sharing her experience on social media.