紧急机组人员从澳大利亚昆士兰的洪水中营救三名儿童和其他人员。 Emergency crews rescue three children and others from flooding in Queensland, Australia.
昆士兰的紧急救援队已营救了数人,其中包括3名13和14岁的儿童,他们因Mareeba附近的Barron河洪水而困在树上将近两小时。 Emergency crews in Queensland have rescued several people, including three children aged 13 and 14 who were stranded in a tree for nearly two hours due to flooding in the Barron River near Mareeba. 大降雨造成全区域多次救援和道路封锁。 Heavy rainfall caused multiple rescues and road closures across the region. 当局警告不要驾车通过洪水,强调尽管圣诞节前的天气状况有所缓和,但仍然有危险。 Authorities warn against driving through floodwaters, emphasizing the dangers despite easing weather conditions before Christmas.