威尔士卫生委员会敦促明智地使用医疗保健,为危及生命的病例保留紧急情况。 Welsh health board urges wise use of healthcare, reserving emergencies for life-threatening cases.
威尔士的Hywael Dda大学健康委员会敦促居民明智地使用保健服务。 Hywel Dda University Health Board in Wales urges residents to use healthcare services wisely. 只有危及生命的病例才应前往急诊部门;其他病例则应使用在线症状检查器或拨打111号国家保健服务系统作为指导。 Only life-threatening cases should visit emergency departments; others should use an online symptom checker or call NHS 111 for guidance. 轻微伤害科和社区药房为不太严重的问题提供服务。 Minor Injury Units and community pharmacies offer services for less severe issues. 董事会还鼓励及时接济从医院出院的符合医疗条件的病人。 The board also encourages timely pickup of medically fit patients being discharged from hospitals.