北朝鲜领导人强调,在粮食短缺的情况下,新养鱼场是农村发展倡议的一部分。 North Korea's leader highlights new fish farm as part of rural development initiative amid food shortages.
北韩领导人金正恩赞扬辛佛市新养鱼场竣工, 这是他“20x10区域发展政策”的一部分, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un praised the completion of a new fish farm in Sinpho City, part of his "Regional Development 20×10 Policy" to modernize rural areas and agriculture. 该农场旨在刺激北朝鲜的农业经济,北朝鲜因制裁和自然灾害而面临粮食短缺。 The farm aims to boost North Korea's agricultural economy, which faces food shortages due to sanctions and natural disasters. Kim呼吁进一步发展农村地区,以加强自力更生和经济增长。 Kim called for further development of rural regions to enhance self-reliance and economic growth.