北朝鲜领导人金正恩访问洪水灾区,誓言支持和自力更生。 North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visits flood-hit areas, vows support and self-reliance.
北韩领导人金正恩访问中国边境附近淹水地区, 宣布计划支援灾民, 包括在平壤为约15 400人提供临时住房, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visited flooded areas near China's border, announcing plans to support affected residents, including providing temporary housing in Pyongyang for approximately 15,400 people until new homes are built. 他承认,洪水受害者在重建后至少需要两至三个月才能稳定生活。 He acknowledged that flood victims would need at least two to three months to stabilize their lives after reconstruction. 金正恩感谢提供援助的国家和组织,但强调朝鲜致力于“用自己的力量和努力开辟自己的道路”。 Kim thanked nations and organizations offering aid, but emphasized North Korea's commitment to "forge its own path with its own strength and effort."