新西兰的印度人口自2018年以来增长了22%,成为第三大种族群体。 New Zealand's Indian population grows 22% since 2018, becoming the third-largest ethnic group.
2024年,新西兰的印第安人社区成为第三大种族群体,自2018年以来增长22%,超过了中国人口。 In 2024, New Zealand's Indian community became the third-largest ethnic group, surpassing the Chinese population with a 22% growth since 2018. 印度成年人的平均收入为51 600美元,高于全国平均水平。 The median income for Indian adults was $51,600, higher than the national average. 虽然该社区庆祝文化里程碑,并加强了与印度的外交关系,但也面临法律和秩序问题以及移民剥削等挑战。 While the community celebrated cultural milestones and enhanced diplomatic ties with India, it also faced challenges like law and order issues and migrant exploitation.