毛利人设计的数据平台TeWhaa报告说,过去十年新西兰的iwi人口平均增长46%。 Māori-designed data platform Te Whata reports a 46% average increase in iwi populations in New Zealand over the past decade.
TeWhaa是毛利人设计的一个数据平台,根据人口普查数据,过去十年新西兰的iwi人口平均增长46%。 Te Whata, a Māori-designed data platform, reports a 46% average increase in iwi populations in New Zealand over the past decade, based on census data. 准确性提高的原因是数据来源和答复率提高。 This improvement in accuracy stems from enhanced data sources and response rates. Ngāpuhi是最大的部落,共有184,470名成员。 Ngāpuhi is the largest iwi with 184,470 members. 数据还显示,青年人口为46.5%,不到25岁。 The data also reveals a youthful demographic, with 46.5% under 25. 该版本反映了新西兰统计局与 Data Iwi 领导小组之间的合作伙伴关系,旨在促进毛利人的代表性。 The release reflects a partnership between Stats NZ and the Data Iwi Leaders Group, promoting Māori representation.