伤势严重,在Chatham被一辆汽车击中后空运到医院。 Man seriously injured, airlifted to hospital after being hit by a vehicle in Chatham.
在安大略省查塔姆,一名52岁的男子在星期六晚上穿过里士满街时被一辆汽车撞伤,伤势严重。 A 52-year-old man in Chatham, Ontario, was seriously injured after being hit by a vehicle while crossing Richmond Street on Saturday night. 他被空运到伦敦一家医院接受治疗。 He was airlifted to a London hospital for treatment. 警察正在调查,但没有宣布任何指控。 Police are investigating, but no charges have been announced. 当天早些时候,警察在查塔姆-肯特兽医诊所对闯入事件作出反应,前门被砸碎并进入。 Earlier that day, police responded to a break-in at the Chatham-Kent Veterinary Clinic, where the front door was smashed and entry was made.