多伦多的Pedestrian被车辆击中;重伤,道路关闭。 Pedestrian hit by vehicle in Toronto; serious injuries, roads closed.
一名行人于星期四下午在格伦开恩大道附近的多伦多格伦朗街区和喀里多尼亚路被一辆汽车撞伤,伤势严重,但无生命危险。 A pedestrian suffered serious but non-life-threatening injuries after being hit by a vehicle in Toronto's Glen Long neighborhood near Glencairn Avenue and Caledonia Road on Thursday afternoon. 多伦多警察局于下午4时50分对现场作出反应,司机留在现场。 Toronto Police responded to the scene at 4:50 p.m. with the driver remaining at the location. 汽车手们应该期待该地区道路关闭和延误。 Motorists should expect road closures and delays in the area.