一名持刀男子在布里斯班的对抗中被警察开枪打死;他住院时情况稳定。 A man armed with a knife was shot by police during a confrontation in Brisbane; he was hospitalized in stable condition.
星期一清晨,在布里斯班Rochedale的一家仓库,一名40岁男子手持一把刀,在面对他们后,被警察开枪击中。 A 40-year-old man armed with a knife was shot by police after confronting them at a warehouse in Rochedale, Brisbane, early Monday morning. 尽管警察使用了泰瑟枪,但该男子继续前进,领导警察朝他开枪一次。 Despite police using a Taser, the man continued to advance, leading officers to shoot him once. 他被送往亚历山德拉公主医院,病情严重但稳定。 He was taken to Princess Alexandra Hospital in a serious but stable condition. 道德标准指挥部正在犯罪与腐败委员会的监督下对这一事件进行调查。 The incident is under investigation by the Ethical Standards Command with oversight from the Crime and Corruption Commission. 没有报告其他受伤情况。 No other injuries were reported.