警方在英国Redditch的圣诞节前夕对峙中, 枪杀了一名持刀男子。 Police fatally shot a man with a knife during a standoff on Christmas Eve in Redditch, UK.
一名39岁的男子在圣诞节前夕在Worcestershire的Redditch被武装警察开枪打死,当时他拿着一把刀,有人担心他的安全。 A 39-year-old man was fatally shot by armed police in Redditch, Worcestershire, on Christmas Eve after concerns were raised for his safety while he was in possession of a knife. 西中地救护车处打电话报警,一名谈判人员试图在数小时内解决这一情况。 West Midlands Ambulance Service called the police to the address, and a negotiator tried to resolve the situation over several hours. 这名男子在晚上7点40分左右遭到枪击,不久后宣布死亡。 The man was shot at around 7:40 pm and pronounced dead shortly after. 这一事件已提交警察行为独立办公室进行调查。 The incident has been referred to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) for investigation.