猎人为鹿犯错 开枪打死他 路易斯安那州被指为违规的枪手 Hunter mistakes man for deer, shoots him; shooter cited for violations in Louisiana.
星期一晚上在路易斯安那州误以为他是鹿的猎人 意外地射杀一个男人 A man was accidentally shot by another hunter who mistook him for a deer in Louisiana on Monday evening. 两只鹿都在同一个私人地产上猎鹿,没有戴猎人的橙色标签,也没有鹿牌。 Both were deer hunting on the same private property without wearing hunter's orange or possessing deer tags. 受害者被空运到医院,伤势不至于致命。 The victim was airlifted to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. 枪手被控违反狩猎规则,当局继续调查,考虑提出其他指控。 The shooter was cited for hunting violations, and authorities continue to investigate, considering additional charges.