明尼苏达鹿季的开幕日 猎人头部中弹 引发了调查 A hunter was shot in the head on the opening day of Minnesota's deer season, prompting an investigation.
克莱郡郡警署正在调查 从明尼苏达州火器鹿赛季开幕日起 发生的一次狩猎事件 The Clay County Sheriff's Department is investigating a hunting incident from the opening day of Minnesota's firearms deer season. 一名34岁的男性猎人于上午8时左右在Moorhead附近头部中弹,被空运到当地医院。 A 34-year-old male hunter was shot in the head around 8 a.m., near Moorhead, and was airlifted to a local hospital. 警长Mark Emptting没有透露受害者状况的细节,并证实副警长正在现场采访其他猎人。 Sheriff Mark Empting has not disclosed details about the victim's condition and confirmed that deputies are interviewing other hunters at the scene. 预计以后将公布更多信息。 More information is expected to be released later.