马耳他 Żabbar 的 2 名猎人在瞄准同一只斑鸠时不小心互相射击。 2 hunters in Żabbar, Malta accidentally shot each other while targeting the same turtle dove.
在马耳他的Zabbar有两个猎人, 在星期一早上瞄准同一只海龟鸽时意外地互相射击。 Two hunters in Żabbar, Malta, accidentally shot each other while aiming for the same turtle dove on Monday morning. 事件发生在上午7时30分左右,36岁和35岁的男子同时开枪射击。 The incident occurred around 7:30 a.m. when both men, aged 36 and 35, fired simultaneously. 36岁的人住院,另一人因轻伤在保健中心接受治疗。 The 36-year-old was hospitalized, while the other received treatment at a health center for minor injuries. 提出论点的初次报告被警方驳回,警方证实这是一起意外枪击事件。 Initial reports suggesting an argument were dismissed by police, who confirmed it was an accidental shooting. 目前正在进行调查。 An investigation is ongoing.