该笔赠款赢得了墨尔本对霍巴特游艇赛的两手分决,目标是2025年墨尔本对大阪赛。 The Grants won the double-handed division in the Melbourne to Hobart Yacht Race, aiming for the 2025 Melbourne to Osaka Race.
来自塔斯马尼亚的父女帆船队 Grants 在第 52 届墨尔本至霍巴特游艇赛中赢得了双人组冠军,他们驾驶着他们的 Knoop 39 游艇麦哲伦。 The Grants, a father-daughter sailing team from Tasmania, have won the double-handed division in the 52nd Melbourne to Hobart Yacht Race, steering their Knoop 39 yacht Magellan. 这场胜利的到来正值他们准备 2025年的墨尔本到大阪比赛 This victory comes as they prepare for the 2025 Melbourne to Osaka Race. 它们的成功得益于船只的改进和新的工具。 Their success was aided by boat improvements and new instruments. 同时,Peter Tardrew和Rod Gunther率领的Quest是第一艘完成435海里赛跑的双手游艇,展示了对双手航行至关重要的团队精神和航海技巧。 Meanwhile, Quest, skippered by Peter Tardrew and Rod Gunther, was the first double-handed yacht to finish the 435 nautical mile race, showcasing the teamwork and seamanship critical to double-handed sailing.