第79届劳力士悉尼Hobart游艇比赛将于12月26日开始, The 79th Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race will kick off on Dec. 26 with 108 yachts from six countries.
第79届劳力士悉尼霍巴特游艇比赛将于12月26日举行, 共有108艘游艇参加, The 79th Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race will feature 108 yachts on December 26, including international entrants from six countries and previous winners like Alive and Master Lock Comanche. 新南威尔士州排名领先,有60名参赛者,另有4名100英尺长的参赛者参加。 New South Wales leads with 60 entries, and four 100-footers are also participating. 这次比赛由澳大利亚Cruising游艇俱乐部组织,涵盖628海里,以熟练业余和专业水手混杂而著称。 The race, organized by the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, covers 628 nautical miles and is known for its mix of skilled amateur and professional sailors.