欧洲的天然气价格接近每月高位,因为可再生能源抵消了对过境的高度关切。 European gas prices near monthly highs as renewable energy offsets high transit concerns.
荷兰和联合王国的批发天然气价格在星期一保持稳定,因为可再生能源的高产量减少了天然气需求。 Wholesale gas prices in the Netherlands and UK remained stable on Monday as high renewable energy output reduced gas demand. 尽管对俄罗斯天然气过境乌克兰的结束感到关切,但流量仍然保持稳定。 Despite concerns about the end of Russian gas transit through Ukraine, flows remain steady. 欧洲天然气储存水平低于平均水平,分析家预测,由于天气较冷,供暖需求会增加。 European gas storage levels are below average, and analysts predict increased heating demand due to colder weather. 俄罗斯过境的结束可能使欧洲天然气供应减少5%,导致更多地依赖液化石油进口。 The end of Russian transit could reduce European gas supplies by 5%, leading to higher reliance on LNG imports. 这些因素促使欧洲天然气价格接近本月最高水平。 These factors have pushed European gas prices near their highest this month. 由于对乌克兰天然气转运交易的担忧, 本周LNG价格上涨6%。 Asian LNG prices also surged, up 6% this week, due to concerns over the Ukrainian gas transit deal.