Caernarfon的建筑物坍塌导致道路关闭和撤离,没有报告有人受伤。 A building collapse in Caernarfon led to road closures and evacuations, with no reported injuries.
星期天晚上,北威尔士Caernarfon的Bridge街一栋大楼倒塌,导致附近房屋撤离,几条道路关闭,包括Bridge Street、Crown Street、Mill Lane和Poolside。 A building collapsed on Bridge Street in Caernarfon, North Wales, on Sunday night, leading to the evacuation of nearby homes and the closure of several roads, including Bridge Street, Crown Street, Mill Lane, and Poolside. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported. 北威尔士警方要求人们避开这一地区,而Bridge Street和Crown Street星期一重新开放,其他道路仍然关闭。 North Wales Police asked people to avoid the area, and while Bridge Street and Crown Street were reopened on Monday, other roads remained closed. 倒塌的原因并不明确。 The cause of the collapse was unclear.