加拿大航空公司的一架航班在哈利法克斯艰难降落,起火,但所有 80 名乘客都安全撤离。 An Air Canada flight had a rough landing in Halifax, catching fire, but all 80 passengers evacuated safely.
周六晚上,菲律宾航空运营的一架加拿大航空公司航班在哈利法克斯斯坦菲尔德国际机场意外降落,导致火灾。 An Air Canada flight operated by PAL Airlines experienced a rough landing at Halifax Stanfield International Airport on Saturday night, resulting in a fire. 飞机的轮胎没有正确展开,导致它打滑并着火。 The plane's tire did not deploy properly, causing it to skid and catch fire. 所有 80 名乘客均已安全疏散,没有严重受伤报告。 All 80 passengers were safely evacuated with no serious injuries reported. 机场暂时关闭,但此后已重新开放。 The airport was temporarily closed but has since reopened. 这起事件发生在韩国发生致命车祸数小时后。 This incident occurred hours after a fatal crash in South Korea. 起落架故障的原因正在调查中。 The cause of the landing gear failure is under investigation.