在佩提斯县,一名17岁的乘客在一次单一车辆失事中死亡;一名18岁的乘客受伤。 A 17-year-old died in a single-vehicle crash in Pettis County; an 18-year-old passenger was hurt.
一名17岁的Sedalia男孩于星期六早上在佩提斯县斯马萨尔路的一次车祸中死亡。 A 17-year-old Sedalia boy died in a single-vehicle crash on Smasal Road in Pettis County on Saturday morning. 这名少年驾驶一辆雪佛兰 Silverado,冲出道路并撞上了小溪堤坝。 The teenager, driving a Chevrolet Silverado, went off the road and hit a creek embankment. 一名18岁的乘客因中度受伤住院。 An 18-year-old passenger was hospitalized with moderate injuries. 两名房客都没有系安全带。 Neither occupant was wearing a seatbelt. 这次坠机是今年密苏里州公路巡逻队报告的 第81次致命事故。 The crash is the 81st fatal accident reported by the Missouri State Highway Patrol this year.