16 岁的阿卡迪亚青少年在博兰谷路的单车撞车事故中丧生,原因是超速和缺乏使用安全带。 16-year-old Arcadia teen died in a single-vehicle crash on Boland Valley Road due to speed and lack of seatbelt use.
16岁的Arcadia青少年于8月15日在布法罗县Glencoe的Boland Valley路上死于一次车祸。 16-year-old Arcadia teen died in a single-vehicle crash on Boland Valley Road in Glencoe, Buffalo County, on August 15th. 司机在进入沟渠后失去控制,撞上了一个涵洞,并撞上了附近的桥壁。 The driver lost control after entering a ditch, hitting a culvert, and striking a nearby bridge wall. 事故中的因素是速度和缺乏安全带使用,调查仍在进行中。 Speed and lack of seatbelt use were factors in the accident, and the investigation is ongoing.