两名男子在密苏里州约翰逊县第13号公路的滚动坠毁事件中受伤,一名驾驶员被抛出后受伤。 Two men were injured in a rollover crash on Highway 13 in Johnson County, Missouri, after a driver was ejected.
密苏里州Johnson县Blackwater河附近的13号公路发生翻车事故,12月19日两名来自Chula的男子受伤。 A rollover crash on Highway 13 near the Blackwater River in Johnson County, Missouri, injured two men from Chula on December 19. 这名 27 岁的司机没有系安全带,在试图超越一辆不明车辆并偏离道路后被弹出。 The 27-year-old driver, not wearing a seat belt, was ejected after attempting to pass an unknown vehicle and veering off the road. 驾驶员中度受伤,以及33岁的乘客受伤较严重,均被送往中点医疗中心。 Both the driver, with moderate injuries, and the 33-year-old passenger, who had more severe injuries, were taken to Centerpoint Medical Center. 车辆被报废。 The vehicle was totaled.