在堪萨斯州米切尔县的一场致命车祸中,一辆汽车越过中线,造成一名司机死亡,另一名司机重伤。 A fatal crash in Mitchell County, Kansas, killed one driver and seriously injured another after a vehicle crossed the center line.
星期一早上在米切尔县的堪萨斯14号公路 发生了一起致命事故 A fatal crash occurred Monday morning on Kansas Highway 14 in Mitchell County. 驾驶丰田Tundra的39岁男子越过中线,撞了44岁的Cady G. Travis驾驶的福特逃生车。 A 39-year-old man driving a Toyota Tundra crossed the center line and hit a Ford Escape driven by 44-year-old Cady G. Travis. 穿着安全带的Travis在现场死亡。 Travis, who was wearing a seatbelt, died at the scene. 另一名司机没有系安全带,严重受伤,被送往Mitchell县医院。 The other driver, not wearing a seatbelt, was seriously injured and taken to Mitchell County Hospital.