联合王国劳工局计划征收包装税,以削减废物,但批评者担心这可能会增加塑料的使用并抬高价格。 UK Labour plans a packaging tax to cut waste, but critics fear it may boost plastic use and raise prices.
联合王国工党提议的包装税旨在通过向企业收取每吨使用的包装费,减少废物,实现净零目标。 The UK Labour Party's proposed packaging tax aims to reduce waste and meet net-zero targets by charging businesses per tonne of packaging used. 然而,批评者认为,基于重量的税可以使塑料、较轻和不可持续的材料、对制造商更有吸引力、增加垃圾填埋场废物和消费者成本。 However, critics argue that the weight-based tax could make plastic, a lighter and less sustainable material, more attractive to manufacturers, increasing landfill waste and consumer costs. 这一计划于4月开始的计划还受到玻璃工业的批评,因为有可能迫使品牌转而改用较难回收的材料或提高玻璃包装商品的价格。 This plan, set to begin in April, has also been criticized by the glass industry for possibly forcing brands to switch to less recyclable materials or raise prices on glass-packaged goods.