Defra公布了对包装生产商的最初EPR收费,目的是转移废物管理成本和刺激回收部门投资。 Defra publishes initial EPR fees for packaging producers, aiming to shift waste management costs and stimulate recycling sector investment.
联合王国环境、食品和农村事务部(Defra)公布了对包装生产商的最初指示性扩大生产者责任(EPR)收费,为承担义务的包装生产商提供了明确性,使他们能够规划预算。 The UK's Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) has published initial indicative Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) fees for packaging producers, offering clarity for obligated packaging producers and enabling them to plan budgets. 生产者延伸责任计划旨在将废物管理费用从纳税人转移到包装生产者,预计将创造21 000个就业机会,刺激对回收部门100多亿英镑的投资。 The EPR scheme aims to shift waste management costs from taxpayers to packaging producers and is expected to create 21,000 jobs and stimulate over £10 billion investment in the recycling sector. 最终收费将于9月确认,但该公告得到业界的好评,企业能够更加注重设计废物和采取对环境有利的举措。 The final fees will be confirmed in September, however, the announcement has been well-received by industry, with businesses able to better focus on designing out waste and adopting environmentally positive initiatives.