新泽西岛提议一项法案,要求所有塑料包装在2034年之前可回收或堆肥,以削减废物。 New Jersey proposes a bill requiring all plastic packaging to be recyclable or compostable by 2034 to cut waste.
新泽西岛正在提出一项法案,要求到2034年所有塑料包装都可回收或可合成,目的是减少垃圾填埋场中来自包装物的28%的城市废物。 New Jersey is proposing a bill that would require all plastic packaging to be recyclable or compostable by 2034, aiming to reduce the 28% of municipal waste in landfills that comes from packaging. 该法案试图向制造商和经销商征收费用,以设立一个1.2亿美元的回收改善基金。 The bill seeks to impose fees on manufacturers and distributors to create a $120 million fund for recycling improvements. 该法案还旨在到2032年将单用包装减少25%,到2036年将包装回收率降低65%。 商业团体反对该法案,但如果该法案获得通过,它将成为全国反对塑料废弃物最强的国家之一。 It also targets a 25% reduction in single-use packaging by 2032 and a 65% recycling rate for packaging by 2036. Business groups oppose the bill, but if passed, it would be one of the strongest in the nation against plastic waste.