一名枪击受害者在Worth堡西边发生事件后死亡,疑犯在附近被发现死亡。 A shooting victim died after a west Fort Worth incident, and the suspect was found dead nearby.
警方对西沃思堡周六下午发生的枪击事件作出反应,发现一名受重伤的女性受害者后来死亡。 Police responded to a shooting in west Fort Worth on Saturday afternoon, finding a critically injured female victim who later died. 跟踪追逐导致发现男性嫌疑人,他被发现死亡,可能是自残的枪伤所致。 A chase followed, leading to the discovery of the male suspect, who was found dead, likely from self-inflicted gunshot wounds. 事件正在调查之中,高速公路在调查期间被关闭。 The incidents are under investigation, and the freeway was shut down during the investigation.