一名嫌疑人在对抗中被Reno警察致命枪杀;西四街关闭。 A suspect was fatally shot by Reno police during a confrontation; West 4th Street is closed.
星期一清晨,警察试图在西四街加油站附近逮捕一名通缉犯,一名嫌疑人在Reno被警察枪杀。 A suspect was fatally shot by police in Reno early Monday morning when officers tried to apprehend a wanted individual near a gas station on West 4th Street. 一名Reno警官也受轻伤。 A Reno police officer also sustained minor injuries. 火花警察局正在根据区域协议进行调查。 The Sparks Police Department is investigating under regional protocols. 西四街从基斯通到爱德华斯大道关闭,当局建议将斯托克大道作为另一条路线。 West 4th Street is closed from Keystone to Edwards Avenues, with authorities recommending Stoker Avenue as an alternate route. 嫌疑犯的身份尚未公布。 The suspect's identity is yet to be disclosed.