圣安东尼奥警方正在调查西北区发生的一起致命车祸,一名男子被发现死于枪伤。 San Antonio police are investigating a fatal car crash on the Northwest Side involving a man found dead with a gunshot wound.
圣安东尼奥警方正在调查西北区发生的一起车祸,一名男子被发现死于枪伤。 San Antonio police are investigating a car crash on the Northwest Side, where a man was found dead with a gunshot wound. 最初报告有车祸,警察赶到现场,随后又接到电话称有枪声。 Initial reports of a crash led officers to the scene, followed by a call about gunshots. 受害者身份尚未确定,他撞毁了车辆并在现场被宣布死亡。 The victim, yet to be identified, crashed his vehicle and was pronounced dead at the scene. 目前尚未确定嫌疑人,调查仍在继续。 No suspects have been identified, and the investigation continues.