本周末,美国南部数以百万计的人面临恶劣天气,包括潜在的龙卷风和冬季风暴。 Millions in the Southern U.S. face severe weather, including potential tornadoes and winter storms, this weekend.
美国南部数以百万计的人本周末面临恶劣天气的风险,包括可能爆发龙卷风。 Millions in the Southern United States are at risk of severe weather this weekend, including a potential tornado outbreak. 这一威胁影响到大约2 400万人,冬季暴风雨的条件也十分严峻。 The threat affects around 24 million people, with conditions also prime for winter storms. 建议居民保持警惕,为可能的危险天气情况做好准备。 Residents are advised to stay alert and prepare for possible dangerous weather conditions.