包括至少30个龙卷风在内的强风暴袭击美国南部,造成人员死亡和严重破坏。 Strong storms, including at least 30 tornadoes, hit the Southern U.S., causing deaths and severe damage.
一个强大的风暴系统在周末袭击了美国南部,造成冰雹、雨、高风和至少30个经确认的龙卷风严重破坏。 A strong storm system hit the Southern U.S. over the weekend, causing severe damage from hail, rain, high winds, and at least 30 confirmed tornadoes. 这些风暴影响到德克萨斯州和南卡罗来纳州之间的地区,导致至少4人死亡,50多份龙卷风破坏报告。 The storms, which affected areas from Texas to South Carolina, led to at least four deaths and over 50 reports of tornado damage. 暴风雨扰乱了假日旅行,造成危险道路条件和飞行中断。 The storm disrupted holiday travel, causing dangerous road conditions and flight disruptions. 目前正在受影响地区开展清理工作。 Cleanup efforts are now underway in the affected regions.