严重风暴,包括可能发生的龙卷风,预计本周末将袭击路易斯安那州。 Severe storms, including possible tornadoes, are expected to hit Louisiana this weekend.
在今后几天里,包括雷暴、大雨、大冰雹、破坏性风和可能发生的龙卷风在内的严重天气预计将袭击路易斯安那州部分地区,特别是东南部和西北地区。 Severe weather, including thunderstorms, heavy rain, large hail, damaging winds, and possible tornadoes, is expected to hit parts of Louisiana, particularly southeast and northwest regions, over the next few days. 风险最高的是周五和周六, 今天晚些时候路易斯安那西北部稍稍可能发生严重暴风雨。 The highest risk is on Friday and Saturday, with a slight chance of severe storms in northwest Louisiana later today. 也建议路易斯安那东南部使用浓雾,降低能见度并影响上午的通勤。 Dense fog has also been advised for southeastern Louisiana, reducing visibility and affecting morning commutes. 尽管天气恶劣,但预计该区域的冬季总体上比较温和,1月15日之后可能出现较冷的天气。 Despite the severe weather, an overall mild winter is predicted for the region, with colder weather possibly arriving after January 15.