35岁的Anthony Knight 9月5日在温切斯特湾发生船运事故后死亡。 35-year-old Anthony Knight died after a boating accident in Winchester Bay on September 5th.
9月5日, Winchester湾的一次划船事故夺去了35岁的Anthony Knight的生命。 On September 5th, a boating accident in Winchester Bay claimed the life of 35-year-old Anthony Knight. 他与63岁的James McKane和他的儿子Kenneth一起捕鱼,当时他们的船因大浪而翻船。 He, along with 63-year-old James McKeane and his son Kenneth, were fishing when their boat capsized due to a large wave. James和Anthony获救,但Knight后来因伤死亡。 James and Anthony were rescued, but Knight later died from his injuries. Kenneth被发现没有受伤 Kenneth was found uninjured. 发生了第二次无关的划船事件,地方当局正在对这两起事件进行调查。 A second unrelated boating incident occurred, and both events are under investigation by local authorities.