曼彻斯特机场因大雪关闭,造成航班延误和转道。 Manchester Airport closed due to heavy snow, causing flight delays and diversions.
曼彻斯特机场因大雪于2025年1月5日暂时关闭跑道, 造成航班延误及转往巴黎、都柏林、格拉斯哥等其他机场, Manchester Airport temporarily closed its runways on January 5, 2025, due to heavy snowfall, causing flight delays and diversions to other airports like Paris, Dublin, and Glasgow. 虽然跑道已经重新开放,但据建议,随着机场停飞飞机和清除行车道,乘客预期会延误。 Although the runways have reopened, passengers are advised to expect delays as the airport works to de-ice aircraft and clear walkways. 机场感谢机场工作人员所作的努力,并敦促乘客与其航空公司核对更新情况,允许额外旅行时间。 The airport thanks its staff for their efforts and urges passengers to check with their airlines for updates and allow extra travel time.